Like the people of old ,one amongst other things I earnestly and passionately desire to be is a political philosopher and seer,rather than be a Polical sinner with empty heads who sees politics as a comfort zone to make money at the detriment of the suffering masses who frolick around them and flock about in any fast food religious center seeking for miracles when the merciful creator have given them everything at their disposal.
Following the 8th of August uncommon defective defection in Ikot Ekpene that brought Jagaban Ahmed Bola Tinubu to come and misquote the Bible out of contex.The Polical waters of Akwaibom have been really, really and really stired.With the sacking of the two Judas Iscariots commissioners and #2billion bribe of the speaker of Assembly I knew for sure that more broke Judases will stick out their stinking hands and throats for the raw cash now freely thrown to any available Judas out there,if possible to do any neferiuous jobs for the pay Master.And TRUELY my prediction have come into fulfillment.
I’m not surprise because the so call hatchet,sucker punchers, garri without soup,everything and anything goes writers of the local tabloids in Akwaibom have sold their conscience and upturned the ethics of the noble profession to crumbs eaters,boot and ass lickers .Rather than live up to the expectations of the society,they prefer to cook, dish and feed the masses with unbalanced information’s and fake news thereby adding more fuel to societal ignorance and challenges of misguardance and misdirections.This is unfortunate.
I’m not surprise because several Akpabio former opportunist and accidental aids PA 1-200 industry are dead broke as such the defection of their Oga is a grand sudden opportunity that offer their ever misopportuned and accidental life a relief from self imposed failures.So they instigate others for sympathy who have been dangled cool mouth watering cash to resign so that they can hide in their back to get their own free cash.
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