March 19, 2025


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6 Job Hunting Tips You Shouldn’t Forget

Finding a new job can be very challenging. It can also be very frustrating. Spending days looking through the wanted ads, sending countless emails in the hope of a bite and then the endless wait while you wait for a reply, can make the whole experience a tough one. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of finding a dream job. If it feels like your job search has become stuck, here are six tips that will help it go smoothly.

1. Know What You Want and Do Your Research

Before you start your job hunt, spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses. Think about the type of work you want to do. You’re more likely to find a job that provides you with more satisfaction if you’re able to learn about yourself. What things are you going to hold dear, for example? Is it a job title, money, promotion, location, company culture, or the work itself?

When you know what you want, you can move onto the next step, which is finding out what different companies want from their employees. Spend some time online researching the company culture, likely salary, and the type of questions you’re going to get asked in an interview.

2. Tailor Your Application for Each Job

When you’re applying for lots of job vacancies, the temptation is to use a generic resume and cover letter. Sending the same ones to every opening is not the best approach to take, however. It’s also better if your resume is more achievement-oriented rather than a list of the various responsibilities you’ve had in the past. It’s easy to tailor a resume or build one from scratch using a CV builder.

3. Build Your Network of Contacts

More job opportunities are going to appear if you’ve got a large and strong network of contacts. Network in person and online and you’ll be able to build a network of people who know you and want to help you with your job hunt. It’s also going to help you get a better idea of what’s available so you can better focus your job hunt.

4. Get Social

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter can be a great way to find out about jobs. Companies often list vacancies there before anywhere else. It’s also possible to promote your own availability using social media channels.

5. Contact Companies Directly

Don’t limit yourself to online applications because you’re severely restricting your options. Jobs that appear online are often already filled. A more successful way of applying for jobs is to contact companies directly and ask whether there are any vacancies.

6. Prepare for all Job Interviews

Never attend an interview without being prepared. The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Practice your responses to common interview questions, know what to wear to make an impact, plan a route to the interview location so you know you’ll arrive on time.

One final tip is always to remember to say thank you. It could be by email or by sending a quick letter. It’s a good idea to do this because it further emphasizes your interest. It’s not going to guarantee a job offer, but it will help you stand out.