The internet doesn’t forget!
I’m not one that lends his voice on matters such as this but for the sake of posterity and for the growth and success of my generation and that to come i needed to do this… and this is simply the best time to voice this out. Let’s go back to my caption – “The internet doesn’t forget” You might have come across this one time or more but did you really understand what that meant? It simply means that whatever you post on social media is forever there, yes it is. even after you delete it, there is a data base for everyone and everything you’ve ever posted about stored somewhere in the cloud server of any platform used in publishing it.
So you have a smartphone, internet connection and power. Do you know how fortunate you are to be in possession of those things? Do you understand the power you can will with that, do you know that you can change the direction of your life and career with that, do you know how many lives and destinies has been transformed just with the internet alone? Do you also know that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook had exactly what you have now and he was able to build this Facebook which you are using now? Why do you look surprise, so what have you been doing with your last card, did you check up, or do you kept picking two, sometimes four and most times returning to general market with them?
So you currently parade yourself as a “Political Media Influencer” because you have a Smart Phone, Internet Connection and Power right? How much are you being paid again? 5000-30000 on a very good month right? plus 2000-5000 whenever there is a press conference or press release right? Your job description is to come on Facebook (A Global Space) and post or sorry paint Mr “XYZ” black because he is the opponent of your supposed Boss right? And you are asked to do this on your timeline (Your Global Space) not a proxy account right?
You probably took the job at first because you wanted to help your destiny and probably raise some cash to keep body and soul moving but you fell in love with the crumbs (5000-30000) which your pay master throws at you from a distance because he doesn’t even have the time to pay you himself as he has much more pressing and better results oriented issues to attend to.
Let me tell you something about your Boss, yes he is a politician, he has an opponent whom they seem to be at war against each other every-time, because of his political seat he also has lot’s of people who look up to him for assistance and support mostly financially which he has to attend to most times at his own detriment because he is a good human being. You happen to be one of those persons whom he has to take under him, he is grateful for all you did for him when he was an aspirant, your time, your support and possibly your resources which your put into his campaigns, he now feels indebted to pay you back, to express gratitude for all you did for him, for standing by him and delivering his victory at the poll.
Few days after his election, thoughts of you lingered in his head, he tires to understand where to fix you but because you don’t have the necessary skills or qualifications he cannot call that his friend in Abuja or that one in Lagos to give you a job because he doesn’t want you to bring him shame or pull down his reputation but he still needs to “settle” you. He speaks to a few people around him and they advised him to keep you around as an aide pending when he’d find a spot for you somewhere. While you were on his pending list he commence work and he needed his people whom he is serving to know about his plans for them, what he is currently doing and how he would go about it.
He brainstorms on strategies to pass this information to the public and just at that moment you made your routine call to him in disguise of checking on him. after your call, he is bothered again about where to place you and just then and there he remembered that you have a smart phone and instead of him giving you fish always why don’t you start fishing for your self. Right there and then, he called you back and asked you to please help him publish his plans on Social Media.
You being the gullible human which you are, you took it upon yourself to not just talk about his plans but also use this as an avenue to call out his opponent and their supporters on social media who might have said “So what has he done for you after his election” also because you felt you needed to do that so you can be noticed as “Oga’s Aide”. You used you last cash and even borrowed money from people around you just to buy shirt and trouser plus some native wears. You now parade yourself around wearing your new starched shirt and trouser, polished shoes, your phone and charger, you are now a media aide and you must work until Oga sees it and know that you are capably representing.
He noticed that you are doing more than what he asked you too but he tries to be calm and watch how far you’d take it unfortunately for you, you took it too far and Oga cannot hold you back because you have already dented your timeline and just like a child whose clothes is dirty – A visitor putting on all white cannot carry him so as not to be stained by the dirt, Oga cannot call you again by himself, he now sends another aide to call you, he pays you through that aides who also has to pay himself from your money for bringing the money to pay you. You are demoted to just a “Political Social Media Thug” who is contacted when there is some form of fight or challenge – You took it far again and goes to fight even when Oga did not send you. you finally become a cast out from Oga’s inner circle because aside ranting on social media you don’t have anything to offer to Oga anymore.
I can help your lazy ass you idiot, I can teach you how to be relevant again leveraging on this same internet which “YOU” used to destroy your precious life only if you would agree to be helped. If you decide to sacrifice One Month of your life, i can teach you how to solve a business problem for anyone even your Oga using the internet.
One of your Oga reached out to me few weeks ago and needed me to manage his Social Media page and was willing to pay my company in seven figures because of the value we can offer but his deal had a clause and I turned down his offer, he called me out at night, drove down to my estate at Abak road and we spoke at length into the night, he wanted to know why i turned down his offer because I was strongly recommended by Hanson Johnson whom he would forever respect according to him and i told him that i spoke with my Lawyer Barrister David Etido who spotted a fault in the MOU that says “every member of my company must post about Oga on their timeline once a week”. After hearing this, your Oga asked me to tell him more myself and my business. I did and today I have build a website in six figures for your Oga and My company now consults for two of your Oga’s company which he has paid for one year ahead, your Oga also has plans for my company to train 100 persons from his LGA soon.
Stop making enemies for your self, your future and everyone that bears a name closer to yours. There is life after politics, your Oga and his opponent still meet and share a bottle of drink offline while you kill yourself online. The international communities now checks your timeline before giving you visa to travel out, my company and other forward-thinking company out there checks your timeline before employing you, your Oga’s timeline is as clean as the Rest Room in Heaven. Stop being a fool by denting your timeline because your helper might be someone in your Oga’s opponent camp but he cannot help you because you have insulted his friend, your Oga cannot help your destiny again because you have proven to be worth not more than you worth now and he cannot bring a gullible person into his inner team because you don’t have anything to offer apart from ranting on social media.
I’m not your enemy, i’m just here to help you become a better you and teach you how to use social media for social good because your Oga and his friends would always hire my services to grow their other businesses apart from politics but they can never hire you beyond where you are now.
1. Google My Business can help you make up to 100,000 plus in a month.
2. Facebook Ads can help you make up to 100,000 plus in a month.
3. Website, Graphics and Content curation can help you make up to 500,000 in a month.
Come and learn how to be relevant, my company would train the first 3 persons free of charge after which we would not accept anyone again. Don’t worry we are not training you even if you want to pay, we just have space for 3 persons only and its free for them. (Terms and Conditions applied).
Don’t be selfish, go ahead and share this so others can see it and learn.
– Iam Etefia.
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