March 18, 2025


Akwa Ibom Trending is an Akwa Ibom-based e-zine that brings news, lifestyle and trending issues in Akwa Ibom and Nigeria to the world.

#AfriTalkzInUyo: Resume presentation, packaging yourself for success in your desired job, as well as interview tips in Uyo… Register Now.

A one day intensive training and presentation for job seekers #AfriTalkzInUyo

Attendance is free but registration is compulsory, we are hosting a seminar for University students and new graduates, in Uyo and will be discussing resume presentation, packaging yourself for success in your desired job, as well as interview tips.

Registration closes on the 20th of October or after the first 100 registrants. Venue is Conference Hall Summit Complex Hotel. 97 Udo Umana Street, Uyo.
Register here

You would also get a chance to ask any question you have, meet and network with amazing people that will prepare you to your next dream job phases. The event is free but you have to register now to attend. Register here

Your registration ensures that you will get all the necessary information you need to be a part of the event, including lunch, a packet of the sample resumes, and an opportunity to meet some employers in Uyo, who will do mock interviews with the participants. Register here