Whenever I see or hear former Governor of Akwa Ibom and Senator Representing Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District Chief Godswill Akpabio abuse his successor and current Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr Udom Emmanuel either in the public or secretly on performance, I wonder if his medically ok.
We have lived in this state since its creation and the advent of the second democratic regime in 1999 and have seen different governors and the overall efforts of their administrations towards the growth and development of the state; suffice to say that the Godswill Akpabio’s administration will arguably be described as the worst ever considering the huge volume of resources that came into the state monthly.
It is evident that Godswill Akpabio syphoned a huge chunk of resources meant for the common Akwaibomites into his pockets under the guise of building the various elephant projects which had no viable end user plan.
Emerging facts have revealed that the Akpabio era had shortchanged the people of Akwa Ibom in no small measure by constantly over bloating cost of projects. The question is, what was he doing with the excesses? Someone should ask Akpabio how much he used in building a kilometer of road and compare it to how much other states used in building same quality of roads, and believe me, Akwa Ibom people will stone Akpabio whenever they see him.
Ask Akpabio how much he used in building the Ibom Tropicana which he did not even complete until leaving the stage as Governor? Such money is capable of building 5 Metering companies today. And when you investigate, you will see that he has used more than 90% of the contract sum. The question is, what was the need for some of those gigantic monuments if not for the sake of stealing money?
Today, we have heard the truth about the Uyo – Ikot Ekpene Road which according to records, the contract sum has been reviewed upward twice, compensations for people’s building paid in books and not in actual, and more than half of the road not done, but Akpabio had finished the money and hurriedly commissioned the road. Where is the money? It is in Akpabio’s pocket. Now, Udom has to go back to that same road and spend so much billions that would have been used for other projects.
Do I mention the Four Points by Sharaton building in Ikot Ekpene, we have all seen the truth. Akpabio commissioned it. Today, Udom is still spending billions in the same project Akpabio had commissioned. Where is the money? In Akpabio’s pocket.
I don’t want to mention the underground pipe jacking system which was done by Akpabio and Nsima. Fellow Akwaibomites, we heard that with that project, there will be no single flooding issue again in Uyo metropolis. With the millions of dollars put into that project, one would have gone to sleep, but alas, what we heard was used in that project was less than 15% of the total money released by Akpabio and Nsima. They used that project to syphone billions of Akwa Ibom’s money into their pockets and today, we are still having the issue of flooding in Uyo.
Oh Akpabio! Should I mention the Ibom Deep Seaport Project? That one will mesmerize you. Do you know that Akpabio painted a picture of a 70% done level of that project, syphoned over 100billion into his pocket and left the project at just 5%. What did Akwa Ibom do to Akpabio to deserve such disservice from him? The painful part of this whole thing is that the funds appropriated for these projects have all been spent.
How do I talk about the 31 Industries one for each Local Government? Akpabio had made a promise of building 31 industries, one for each Local Government during his Second term campaign. One would have thought that it was just a mere campaign promise which may not be done. But Akpabio included it in the budget of the State in billions, I mean in billions o. I pity the AKHA then because they could not say anything. How could they have had a contrary opinion when anyone who had a contrary opinion from that of the mighty Akpabio will be risking his life. You dare not oppose Akpabio’s decisions then else you will either be killed, kidnapped, maimed, or your family members attacked. Akpabio syphoned all those monies and today he has the morality to stand in the public and talk.
Now, Akpabio feels he is smart by running to the APC and hide. Let it be known to Godswill Akpabio that even if it remains one day in this life, he will surely account for those monies he stole.
Akpabio stole this state dry, left huge debt profile for Udom Emmanuel whom he thought will remain a stooge to him. Thank God for Udom Emmanuel who has risen to rescue Akwa Ibom from the hands of Akpabio and return this state to its factory setting.
If Akpabio thinks he will collaborate with his former deputy Governor Nsima Ekere who lacks shame after been chased away by Akpabio to come back in 2019 and continue in their evil plans of destroying Akwa Ibom State again, then they better go find something else doing because Akwaibomites are now wise. Our eyes are open.
We have decided to follow a peaceful and very astute professional in the person of Udom Emmanuel. Never again shall one man decide the destiny of Akwa Ibom people.
Enough is enough!
Written by Ebekpo Stephen from Oruk Anam.
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